Christmas Break Food Boxes
Each Christmas Soroptimist’s purchase and pack food boxes at the Klamath Lake Food Bank to coincide with the school systems Christmas Break. Research shows that those children receiving meals during the school sessions go with very little or without nutritious food when not in school. These boxes are intended to help supplement the family food supply during the Christmas Holiday. Soroptimist purchased and packed 84 boxes to be distributed by the Food Bank.

The Northwest Region Coalition Against Trafficking
The Norrthwest Region Coalition Against Trafficking (NWCAT) was founded by Soroptimist Northwestern Region and is a 501 c3 not for porfit organization. The coalition is working to Inform, Educate and Protect women and girls from Human Labor and Sex Trafficking in the Northwestern Region. The coalitions mission is to protect women and girls in the Northwestern Region and beyond by informing and educating the public through conferences, educational opportunities, events, movie consultation, and safety measures including but not limited to increasing awareness of the need for shelters for victims of trafficking.
The 4th Annual Conference will be held in Portland on Jaunary 13 to 15, 2012. The keynote speaker will be Anuadha Koirala, Friends of Maiti Nepal. Anuadha won the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year Award. The Film Festival will proceed the Conference on January 9 – 12, 2012. The opening night film will be “Pornland” by Dan Rather Reports and HDNet.
Scholorship Applications Deadlines
Soroptimist is now accepting applications for the Violet Richardson Award. Please click for more infomation about the Violet Richardson Award. Application deadline is December 1, 2011. Please click here for application.
We are also accepting applications for the Women’s Opportunity Award. Please click for more infomation about the Women’s Opportunity Award. Application deadline is December 15, 2011. Please click here for application. Please click here for reference forms.
Annual Christmas Bazaar
Believe in The Magic of Christmas in the theme for this years annual Christmas Bazaar. Set aside December 1, 2011 at Reames Country Club to join in the holiday magic. Reservations may be made through Vonnie Powley, 541-891-1967 Or Cindy Schmeck,, 541-892-8925. Attendance is limited to the first 200 paid reservations— $25.00
The silent Acution starts at 11:00 am with the luncheon at noon and the oral auction at 1:00. Some of the exciting oral auction items:
- Limo, Wine Tasting & Appetizers at the Twelve Ranch Winery for 10 people.
- Cooking Demo & Dinner with Chef Jerry Johnson for 10.
- Commissioned Painting by artist Vicki Shuck
- Worldmark Vacation Condo
- Locally Raised Pig – cut and wrapped with Lil’Tex Traeger BBQ
Please check back for more exciting details.